Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I would say 35 to 40% are unemployed, and that's not including the private sector, who they don't account for....N.A.F.T.A., China, crooked oversized government, do any of these ring a bell for anyone? How about the central banking system, or foreign aid.....I love our country, but it's on the wrong track...HELL in a handbasket I tell ya, if we don't change it, the free world is over as we know it.
As I have watched this undermining of America unfold like a snowball headed for hell, America continues to get worse as the days go by. People still call people like Ron Paul radical because he is a constitutionalist, Hello? Anybody in there? The only radical thing I see in this country is our oversized, over paid, under worked Bankers and Crooked Politicians! Or our privately owned Federal Reserve. Or our foreign policy that gives Trillions of dollars to foreign countries, that we still yet borrow money off of! This is an apparent attempt to Take over our country, and as far as I'm concerned Treason in every aspect.
If Ron Paul doesn't win in 2012, our country will not recover, and will lose it's number 1 rating as the superpower of the world.
China is already buying up states,land,and our debt at an alarming rate. They are on there way of completely taking us over. With the fastest growing economy in the world, and yet we still give them billions,and borrow off of them every year?

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