Sunday, May 2, 2010

Well I'm glade to see The President and all of his Reporters are Laughing as our Nation continues to spiral out of control.With unemployment at an all time High, Hundreds of Thousands of Gallons of oil are spilling in to our oceans,Wall Street Banksters continue to rob hard working tax payers,Banks are Foreclosing on houses at an alarming rate,Our Freedoms our diminishing daily,but as we can see here it has no effect on the commander and chief and his army of fake reporters. No,These people have nothing better to do than crack jokes and feed there faces while the rest of the world crumbles.
This is an absolute slap in the face to the American People,and further more a very cruel and twisted attack on our sovereignty.I am unamused by this show of comedy by our President when our country is in so much need of serious attention.This is proof of how this man hasn't a care in the world about the well doing of our country! How could he be laughing and telling jokes openly while our country is in the shape that it is?

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