Saturday, April 17, 2010

When Full Disclosure asked Steve Whitmore how much it was costing the Department to hold 70 yr old attorney Richard I. Fine in solitary "Coercive Confinement for civil contempt of court for this past year, 368 days, his response was that we should use the same figure to compute the total cost.$82 per day for 365 days equals $30,000. But the prisoners being released were staying in dormitories, not a solitary cell, so this could be easily be disputed.

Even though Fine has never been convicted of a crime, nor had a jury trial, he is always accompanied to the showers to the visitors area and to the infirmary, everywhere, by Sheriff's personnel at all times. and this costs the County money. Being a senior citizen, he has experienced health problems visiting the jail infirmary and dental clinics numerous times during the year. He has been treated for swelling in the legs and feet, infections, skin rash and "jail house" fungus, high blood pressure, tooth abscesses and upper denture replacement. If and when Fine is finally released, cost to the county could possibly match the entire savings gained by early release of the 1,100 convicted inmates.

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