Monday, April 26, 2010

Obama seeking to assassinate "US citizens" he labels as terrorist

Obama ok's assassination of US Citizen on assumption

Obama ok's assassination of US Citizens

America will collapse into Anarchy and violent civil unrest - 2012 - Ger...

Keiser Report №17: Markets! Finance! Scandal!

'US mainstream media is dying'

Random Acts of Kindness

Shocking comments from Barack Obama's wife!!

Helen Thomas responds to Obama's second press conference

Obama's Two-Tiered Approach


Obama's Teleprompter Breaks, Stops - Confusion Reigns - No Paper Backup?...

Obama's Insane Lies

Senator Lindsey Graham asked to Admit His Homosexuality at Tea Party Event

Stock Market Analysis for 04/26/2010

Makers Of Vaccine Refuse To Take H1N1

Obama Lies 7 Times In Under 2 Minutes!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

When Full Disclosure asked Steve Whitmore how much it was costing the Department to hold 70 yr old attorney Richard I. Fine in solitary "Coercive Confinement for civil contempt of court for this past year, 368 days, his response was that we should use the same figure to compute the total cost.$82 per day for 365 days equals $30,000. But the prisoners being released were staying in dormitories, not a solitary cell, so this could be easily be disputed.

Even though Fine has never been convicted of a crime, nor had a jury trial, he is always accompanied to the showers to the visitors area and to the infirmary, everywhere, by Sheriff's personnel at all times. and this costs the County money. Being a senior citizen, he has experienced health problems visiting the jail infirmary and dental clinics numerous times during the year. He has been treated for swelling in the legs and feet, infections, skin rash and "jail house" fungus, high blood pressure, tooth abscesses and upper denture replacement. If and when Fine is finally released, cost to the county could possibly match the entire savings gained by early release of the 1,100 convicted inmates.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Behind Closed Doors

President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama released their 2009 federal and state income returns today, reporting an adjusted gross income of $5,505,409. Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Dr. Jill Biden released their returns as well, reporting an adjusted gross income of $333,182.

more info

Human Rights

Try this,Lil info for ya...

Alex Jones: Epic Corruption and the Whistle-blower

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How Power Killed Freedom

Lets start out with the very basics,first off lets define "Power" and then we will define "Freedom".
"possession of the qualities"," physical strength","one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority"...ect...ect... and so on and so forth, now" freedom",the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints,exemption: immunity from an obligation or duty. Ewww that last part almost just takes my breath away,immunity from an obligation or duty.Wow I'm 36,I was born in 1974 and I can barely remember what is was like to be free, with everyday that passes our great country that was once the greatest country the world has ever known,by anyones standards,is now so injured from the inside out with corruption and bad politics,that her people are losing their God given rights daily,right before their very eyes.
And what bothers me is that I cant even find people who even have enough backbone to admit it,thats bad!
I,m not going to get in to a bunch of politics right now,and Im keeping it basic for this message to maybe reach more people that way.Thats the reason we are in the shape we are in today,we walked away when things got to complicated for us,how childish weve become as a nation,there are people ready to give up their freedom because some one told them that is the way things should be for our own safety....OK...wait a minute did i just say that? YES i did.
Its happening PEOPLE WAKE UP to this devilish take over of fascism, capitalism,and most of all greed!
It is time for fasting and prayer for our country,I am asking for all Christian Americans to drop to your knees and pray for our children,our country,and our leaders.Just like our country was attacked from the inside out,we ourselves must change it from the inside out.Lets not wait until it is too late,the prayer of one righteous man can change God's mind.We were once a great nation under God and now as a nation we have compromised his word.And we have stood by will they slowly change our constitution until we one day live in a place were there is no freedom of any kind,wait a second? WE ARE THERE! GOD HELP US!